Case Studies
How Pulse Publisher can help with your reporting and analytics
B2C Publishing Case Study: Helping Kelsey Media to Grow
Thought leadership - strategic consultancy - collaboration - growth - integration
Use a text sectiKelsey Media is a 20 year old multi-media business with more than 200 publications across lifestyle, fitness, homes and travel.
The business needed a specialist CRM software solution with a provider who would listen to their requirements when developing new features: a system to future-proof them.
How The Engine Shed helped:- Kelsey consolidated 200 titles, numerous sales houses and other systems into one software application, providing clarity and consistency across the business.
- Kelsey had a number of outsourced sales teams with varying procedures. Now all ad sales are completed via one process freeing up the team of around 80 sales staff to focus on fulfilment.
Kelsey has now been able to fully integrate their ad sales software with their NetSuite Accounts package allowing for real time information on sales and revenue to flow both ways. This includes automated messaging around late payments, maximising revenue collection and cashflow nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore.
Gill Lambert, Operations Director, Kelsey says,
"The Engine Shed has innovation and creativity in finding solutions. My job has been to sort out all the data, understand the full potential of the applications, update contact data, rate cards and integrate finance. Otherwise garbage in equates to garbage out. The Engine Shed has helped me to do all this.The Engine Shed also provides good value for money in an area where non-bespoke providers such as Salesforce charge huge fees for less service"
What customers say about The Engine Shed
Best investment we’ve made! Hawker Publications
It’s paid for its customised development many times over. Classic Angling
The whole team shares & uses it. Logistic BusinessWorkflow from Ad Sales to Production is easy to follow. Gearing Media Group
Excellent for sales admin and customer contact. Heavy Lift and Project Forwarding Intl
- Kelsey consolidated 200 titles, numerous sales houses and other systems into one software application, providing clarity and consistency across the business.
Case Study: Optimising Digital for Dalesman Publishing
Dalesman Publishing’s flagship title is The Yorkshire Dalesman, Yorkshire’s favourite magazine for over 80 years. It is the UK's biggest selling regional consumer magazine with a circulation of 56,000, estimated to be read by over half a million people each month.
Whilst continuing to honour tradition and heritage with its much-loved print magazine, The Yorkshire Dalesman and its sister publications, such as Cumbria and Lakeland Walker, needed to access digital subscribers and provide content across more platforms than print alone.How The Engine Shed helped;
- Integrated with digital edition providers to enable subscribers to access issues online.
- Linked Dalesman to e-commerce platform Magento where it could sell subscriptions online, as well as a variety of one-off products such as calendars
- Processes around both subscriptions and ad sales – display and classifieds – are now handled seamlessly by a single sign-on. A streamlined single customer view across all publications benefitted back office staff as well as end users
Amy Smith, Circulation Manager, Dalesman Publishing says,
"5 years ago we decided we wanted one system to run subs, events and ad sales; a one stop system to work with sales teams in different places. Making our processes more streamlined gives us back more time; things are a two minute job now, not half an hour.
The Engine Shed has really user-friendly capabilities. For example, if you want to make a small change such as start in May not June for a sub, you can make the change, you don’t have to contact someone. We have automated emails for sales, single sign on with Pocketmags, shop by Magento. The CRM works perfectly for what we need.
In the future we will look at clever ways to monetise “pass on readership”. We know our magazines change hands up to 6 times.
We need both digital and print to be technically strong. Digital is not our saviour, it’s a balance between print and digital and The Engine Shed helps us achieve this"
If you like to understand how we could help your publication do get in touch; call us on 020 7183 0200, book a demo or email us at sales@theengineshed.com- Integrated with digital edition providers to enable subscribers to access issues online.
B2B Membership Organisation Case Study: The Law Society
Emily Duncan from The Law Society speaks about how she saved 1 full time employee (FTE) by using Pulse Publisher software for reporting, and how integration with Microsoft Power BI enables her to seamlessly set and measure performance metrics.
For more information on how Pulse Publisher, The Engine Shed’s software can help with your reporting and analytics, get in touch...
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