• Privacy Policy

    for the Clients of Our Products

    Who We Are

    We are The Engine Shed (UK) Ltd. We also use 'The Engine Shed' and 'TES' as our trading names. 'Pulse' is the brand name given to the group services we provide.


    Disclosure of Your Personal Data to Third Parties

    We disclose sufficient information to third parties to enable us to bill you for the use of our services.


    The Use of Cookies

    We use cookies in order to provide an improved user experience and to allow us to gather performance metrics that may be used to improve our services.


    Data We Collect from You Through Use of Our Products

    We routinely log the activity of all registered users for diagnostic and audit purposes. This information includes the IP address from which the registered user is logged in, the actions they perform whilst logged in, and the raw data associated with those actions. We routinely aggregate log activity to generate statistics for analytical purposes, and we may share those aggregated analytics on an anonymous basis with the third parties involved in the provision of services for diagnostic purposes, or other third parties for marketing purposes.


    The activity log data is retained for a period of three months. The aggregated analytics are retained indefinitely.


    From time to time, clients may choose to contact us for support or training purposes. In this situation, we will retain details of the enquiry, response and actions taken internally to resolve the client's request.


    This information is held for as long as you remain our client, or until such a time as the request is resolved, with visibility limited to those in our organisation responsible for training and support.


    Data We Hold On Your Behalf

    We are custodians of the data you enter, import or ask us to import into the services we provide. That data is held securely on our servers or those of our third parties and is segregated from that of other clients. Access to that data within our organisation is strictly controlled, and limited to situations related to the provision of training, technical support, or situations in which is it necessary in order to improve the quality of the services we provide to our clients. We do not share your business data with third parties, except by way of provision of service. Those third parties are listed below.



    We operate our business in compliance with GDPR. We provide you, the client, with the tools required to operate in a compliant manner, but we are not responsible for the correct application of those tools.

    Third Parties involved in the Provision of Services


    1. Our primary data centre is in Ireland (UK) - facilitated by Amazon Web Services.
    2. Our secondary data centre is in the US - facilitated by Amazon Web Services.
    3. Amazon web services privacy policy is here: https://aws.amazon.com/privacy/ -- however bear in mind that this is written predominantly from the perspective of The Engine Shed's relationship with Amazon, not our end client.
    4. Our products rely on the following third parties to provide services which enable core functionality of the product: 
      Sendgrid. Sendgrid is used for all outgoing email originating from the CRM. Their privacy policy is here: https://sendgrid.com/policies/privacy/ 
      Pusher. Pusher is used to provide pop-up notifications and synchronise data from multiple users at the same time. Their privacy policy is here: https://www.pusher.com/legal/privacy-policy
    Last updated: 07 Nov 2018